Firstly a late 'Happy New Year' from us - has been a very busy run up to Christmas and we've not had chance to update our Blog. A poor excuse I know.
We've been really pleased with the range of items we have managed to source and add to the web site - although a challenge to find the right items than we think are right for our Collections. As always we stick to buying what we like and hope that others like them as well.
One of the areas we've been working on is extending our collection of furniture pieces. These include a set of six rosewood balloon back chairs (c1850), a Georgian bookcase, Georgian chest of drawers, William IV tea table and lots more. With enhancements to our photographic area complete we are now due a big photo session followed by much listing. Hope to be able to get these listed this month - but that depends very much on what else happens.
Mantle and Carriage Clocks remained our most popular items in the period before Christmas with a number going out without even making it to the website!