Hoping you will have checked out the added items to our furniture collection. We think we've made a great start with our pieces - but of course many more we want to add.
Currently in progress are a finely carved set of four walnut dining chairs. These will add to the set of six rosewood dining chairs already available. Other pieces in the pipeline are a Georgian chest of drawers and a brass-inlaid rosewood tea table, amongst others.
Of course very pleasing for us that a couple of pieces have gone within the first few weeks - we're hoping that our choices remain popular! As always we're buying what we like and heading for quality pieces as well. The example here is of a George III satinwood inlaid demi-lune card table - simply gorgeous wood!
Guess the title for this post does me for our other piece of news... We have started sending out a monthly newsletter to our customers and subscribers. We want to keep in touch and ensure that people know about our new additions to stock. If you want to subscribe - visit our Home page and pop in your email.